9 to 5 Icarus
These days King Minos
wears a suit and tie
and drives a new Bentley,
but he still has to deal
with the same bull,
rotten kids, bad wife;
fucking cow!
This is Manhattan,
not Knossos, so
there’s no labyrinth here,
just subways tunnels
and skyscrapers,
but it can still be hard
to find a way out.
The wings of our fathers
come with warning labels
and we still ignore them
when we get high.
It’s fortunate that this prison
only holds me from 9 to 5
and New Jersey
is a relatively short flight.
2 weeks ago
A well played simile on the modern facsimile, Urbanality to the max!
I was out walking Anubis around Blogland and ended up...here! No, actually, I wanted to respond to your kind comment at my blog. Thanks!
This is interesting...sort of downsiszing the mythical into a dull gray corporate version. I once wrote a poem, which is on my blog someplace, in which Icarus is a suburban hobbyist who fails.
Take care. :-)
This is a brilliant piece. I enjoyed reading it twice.
You never fail to inspire. The first read reminds me of my own impressions of working and images of New Yorkers. The second read delights in the genius of your craft. Now, upon the third read, I simply muse, thanking you.
I know very little about poetry, but this was great! I loved the play on the mythology from start to finish.
Nice piece. Enjoyed the emotions, the imagery.
Maybeone should go visit King Midas for the touch
Then the kids, wifem, etc. wouldn't be able to do much
But stand and stare
Yeah probably not fair
Such a fun read about new yorkers it was
Always fun poking fun at the corporate rats just because
the set up in the first two stanzas is great but the last stanza bears the weight for me...very nice man
the wings of our fathers come with warning labels...yes they do and yes we don't listen - and yes it IS a labyrinth and i enjoyed the read - will prob. think of the poem when i drive to work tomorrow..
I enjoyed that piece. Sounds like not only Manhattan, but anywhere in the working world.
Mythology and suburbia, mixed seamlessly. Wry and edgy, but not particularly angry, or at least no so much as to de-rail the piece. Fine, fine stuff.
Love the concept =) Very well-written. Intriguing picture!
well defined concept, your poetry is impressive.
cool twist on the theme :) I like
happy gooseberry day!
An interesting take on the theme. Very well done.
Oh god, this is excellent! I could definitely feel it.
What a great write. It reminds me of the contemporary production of Romeo and Juliet set in New York. Great job!
I found this both sad and funny. The third stanza had my head spinning. Really enjoyed it.
Fascinating spin on the myth and relating to the commute from NYC-NJ. Boy I am glad I don't do that. I use to do the same in Japan. I hope never to return to the commute life. I was a bit confused as to what the "cow" is suppose to be in the metaphor. And I didn't understand the line about warning labels and getting high. Just FYI
The wings of our fathers
come with warning labels
and we still ignore them
when we get high...def my fav lines in this one still...
how many flights up do you have to be to hit jersey from here? ha
You've nailed mythology and made it interesting. A hard-hitting piece. Wouldn't one just drive to New Jersey from NYC though?
Ohhh--these lines--
The wings of our fathers
come with warning labels
and we still ignore them
when we get high.
Love this!
History does always seem to repeat itself doesnt it? I think that is how cliches became cliche :)
Very interesting take on this one.
i remember this...the wings of the father coming with warning labels..if we would only read them... happy easter to you steve..hope life's going well for you back in NYC again
Wonderful modern mythology. And the myths definitily have an urban importance,
Brilliant - nothing changes...
Anna :o]
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