Saturday, July 2, 2011

CombatWords!: Combatwords for July 1, 2011: Independence


I’ll call it love
because this one
stayed ’til morning.

She must not have
had a place to sleep;
need and loneliness
often end up
drunk and naked
in the same bed.

When they finally leave
I always try to tell myself
that I am a lucky man;
no woman to nag me
and spend my money.

is what the lonely
tattoo on the back of their necks
to make it seem like a choice.

I don’t really remember
what it is like to be part of a “we”
that lasts longer
than the inevitable hangover.

I suppose some truths
are much less
than others.


CombatWords!: Combatwords for July 1, 2011: Independence: "Combatwords for July 1, 2011: Independence If I was rich, I'd be stalked by the hungry suits, craving my signature. I would ride the taxi—..."


Anonymous said...

This is truly brilliant. SMG. I can see you writhing this late at night reminiscing slightly impaired , walls down a bit , and the master of poetry out to write some fine poetry from the always your very best work...

Amy everett said...

This is truly brilliant. SMG. I can see you writhing this late at night reminiscing slightly impaired , walls down a bit , and the master of poetry out to write some fine poetry from the always your very best work...