Tuesday, March 25, 2025




The words,

etched on the cell wall

a lifetime ago, contained a truth

wrought by pain and loss.

“No one is innocent”

As I thought about the author

I watched the tourists, 

oblivious of their own guilt, 

pass hurriedly, never noticing

the crude engraving.



d'Verse Poet's Pub Writing Prompt:  https://dversepoets.com/



Kim M. Russell said...

I can’t imagine what it was like on Alcatraz – the film with Burt Lancaster is my only point of reference. But I can imagine words etched on cell walls. Is your quadrille based on a real visit?

Ron. said...

Can't wrap my mind around the experience. I thought you might dig this: https://rlavalette.wordpress.com/2019/09/15/oubliette-2/

Helen said...

I have been one of those tourists ... It's hard to take it all in when walking through ... emotion and imagination runs rampant. Well done.

Petru J Viljoen said...

Tourists. especially groups of them, are so numb and dull-witted. I live in a tourist town so I know. They're herded here and there.

brudberg said...

I wonder how many of the tourists are really innocent... Reminds me of the opposite from Shawshank Redemption: Everybody's innocent in here. Don't you know that?