Ladies Night at the Bauhaus
The forms of these women tend to
fail the function test but the aesth-
etics and hedonists never did sit
together in school I let Ezra pound
modernism into my brain until I
questioned everything I learned on
Sunday Kandinsky waxed theosop-
hical while feverishly waving a pro-
tractor and paintbrush in the air of
post-war Germany’s zeitgeist ornam-
entation gave way to the functional
man will occasionally impractically
fall for the aesthetic form of a woman
with no regard for the school to which
she belongs.
3 days ago
Cleverly constructed. Sometimes forms happen, function be damned.
DEFINITION: a brand of brain-flavored mints for zomobies
No accounting for taste; frankly I've found that men are pretty much interested in the one thing being functional--the rest, not always so much...A clever and meticulous little run on sentence of a poem--and it has Kandisky, and protractors and zeitgeist and a very nice word play on Pound.Lots of raisins in the cookie. Liked it much.
Thanks JAJ, I feel better knowing that someone understood my whacky brain
I've traveled this road and I know the turns myself, so alluring this modernism both in curve and blocked by straight lines, Yet I suspect, like me, you've found there is no map to truth, and no chart to our own voice. Well written. Gay @beachanny
A testosterone based rant that makes me want to pound my chest, club a woman over the head and drag her back to my cave. Okay, not really, but I like its eclectic form.
great read and great use of got of my favourite all time bands from my goth era...but thats another story...JAJ is riding high on the comment here...clever my friend..pete
this is hot...would love to hear it at the open mic...agree with hedge on great mix...keep spinning...
I quite like the way it has been written. I like anything that does not follow norm..
Here is my one shot:
musical whirlwind
Truly fascinating and definitely agree with Gay. So many twists and turns like life. Such an interesting well written piece! ~April
Wry and then some; Joyce meets the Algonquin Round Table
So many cool allusions. Nice one, sit.
Brillant the ending - the woman nil's all training or cause ...bkm
Really enjoyed the read as always! I agree with hedgwitches comments, but possibly been looking in all the wrong places!
Good deep and strudtured write!
Fun, sly piece.
ha - nice to find some german bauhaus on your blog - and yeah - think joy ann was spot on..tight write steven
a genius stroke of quiet brilliance.
simply the best write I have read in ages..
Oh I'm glad to see this poem again!!
It speaks to the whole business, ha! I hadn't seen your link when I commented on the last poem. Kudos!!
i like how the thoughts kinda just blend together in this one leading to another ...some clever word play in it as well...was nice to revisit this one...
You got that right! Kind of like the old story about someone looking realy good until they open their mouth and speak.
I was impressed how this read so well, with the lines run together as they are. A work of art, I'd have to say, being able to make that happen. Nice!
Brilliant--and I am avoiding the sexual politics here in using woman as symbol yet again--it works--Totally love imagining Kandinsky making choices with the tools of the trade and the genres beckoning. A wonderful sentence on Modernism, and also sideswiping at theosophy and fascism and Pound-ing of any kind. Clever. Wish I had thought of it.
back around this one for a third time...i like the ezra pound modernism....ha...the close on it...the aestetical pleasing without care for the school...there is an interesting honesty in that....
Really enjoyed this one ~ In the end, does it matter ~
Happy Halloween ~
Aesthetic form of a woman... cool!
Quite an interesting play of words. :-)
cool and erudite
interesting how different i read it from back then when i read it first.... the functional
man will occasionally impractically
fall for the aesthetic form of a woman
with no regard for the school to which
she belongs... true...
Yes, those beasty women say more with their mascara decollage than is dreamt of our verse philosopy.
Clever! You really had me at "Sunday Kandinsky."
I love the way the words unfold, each word veering off into a new direction that somehow makes sense! Excellent work.
Form failing function - what a line! Love this. Well done.`
This works - fun to read it again. Hope all well with you SMG
Acerbic and witty, nicely done.
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