Thursday, June 20, 2013

D'Verse Poet's Form for All (Sedoka)


I let form invade
my normal creative processes
and attempted a Sedoka.

Originally Japanese,
it is a form created from
two, related, three line katauta



brudberg said...

Why not? creativity inside or outside of form you do it well ... nice play with words

Brian Miller said...

got to be careful letting form invade your think you know you will get a bar code and they will track you every where you go...smiles...ha...nice form poem on form...

Janine Bollée said...

This is fun.
Now you need someone to reply in form.
Strike up a conversation :-)

Anonymous said...

Sweet! When in doubt describe.

Scarlet said...

Once in awhile, it is good to let form invade our words ~ You did a good job here ~

Claudia said...

not bad at all to let form invade poetry every once and a while..the other way round as well...smiles

Semaphore said...

Interesting modern twist to the sedoka - and how can one resist a self-referential poem! Well played!

kelvin s.m. said...

....loved the demo! smiles...

Laurie Kolp said...

That about sums it up!

Cressida de Nova said...

i heard this strange word
the sound of katauta
is it a maori love song?

no,it's japanese
if you please,a sedoka
not jokin' ya that's for sure

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

A sedoka to teach sedoka - what fun!