Thursday, July 11, 2013

D'Verse Poet's Pub Form for All (accentual-alliteration)

Benefits of a Catholic School Education

This is my god and I carry him round
I keep him boxed so he's easily found
Given to me when I was a young fool
I learned about boxes in parochial school
All life's questions are all answered for me
in a book the box factory gives away free
I go through life with their words on my lips
my mind is in neutral so my tongue often slips
Many a man will let his god run around
I fear this behavior is truly not sound
My god kicks, screams and tries to get out
but he's safer in there I have little doubt
I'd let him loose but I'm afraid I'd abhor
life with a god not contained in cardboard


Prompt HERE


Bubba said...


Brian Miller said...

ha. god is easier to handle in cardboard, that is for least you acknowledge a god though...see this is what happens in those schools...just saying...

Claudia said...

i myself never made bad experiences with nuns but my colleague went to a catholic kindergarten and the nuns were so bad that he left the house in the morning and spent the day in the forest in a way but so sad..ugh... god in a box is no good thing.. can't say much rgd. allits as i never do them consciously...learning though...but will leave it to tony...smiles

Glenn Buttkus said...

nice rhythms and good sense of a child's nursery rhyme here; it certainly harkens back, and renews each of our particular adolescent introduction to AllThatIs, or God, or gods, or Allah, or Yahweh.

brudberg said...

Very nice rhythm to this as Glenn points out. I have been safe from that type of God.. A blessed secular child-hood despite plenty of Lutheran priests around.

Steven Marty Grant said...

Very hard to maintain a steady cadence of stressed syllables as you develop a poem. This was a very cool exercise.

Anonymous said...

There's a nice rhythm and rhyme in this poem, which, paradoxically, is almost exactly the opposite of what the challenge asks for.

As to your subject, well, too many people want God/god to be safe and comfortable. For me, the creator and sustainer of the universe could hardly be safe ... unless he/she chooses to be.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this piece.>KB

Anonymous said...

I really liked the thrust of tone in this piece.>KB

Anonymous said...

I really liked the thrust and tone of this piece.>KN

Anonymous said...

I really liked the thrust and tone of this piece.>KB

Anonymous said...

I really liked the thrust and tone of this piece.>KB

Anonymous said...

I really liked the thrust and tone of this piece.>KN

Anonymous said...

I really liked the thrust and tone of this piece.>KB

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the multiple comment but I was having problems getting the code thgrough

Steven Marty Grant said...

Since I failed the task in the first go around:

Laurie Kolp said...

Yep. I'm a product of Catholic education, too...

Beth Winter said...

Ha ha... Clever. I'm the product of public schools. I don't think I got the raw end of the deal.

Vaccinius said...

Right. You are pointing at "it". Jesus is made an idol and there is no urge to *show* love. People rather make a show of love.

Nice rhythm and rhyme. :-)

God bless you. Stay cool in the turmoil. :-)

╔╝ worship ♫
╚══╝ CHRIST †

Timoteo said...

I wonder how many S & M freaks those nuns created.

Anonymous said...

ha, very cool... i thoroughly enjoyed this one, expecially the cardboard line. a great piece