Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Walk in the Park

Walk in the Park

cut across the sky
like cracks
in the canopy.
They strobe light
the December sun
along the brittle white path.
Central Park
in winter
is staid
and sorrowful;
the cold empty heart
of New York.



emmett wheatfall said...

Man, your stuff is just plain good. I enjoy everyone one you post. Keep them coming. I continue to be a huge fan of your poetic work.

PattiKen said...

Beautiful, and spot on for a wintry day in New York. But even in shades of gray, it's a beautiful city.

Anonymous said...

I've walked in the snow in Central Park and it's totally breathtaking.

Really enjoyed the read. Short poem, but gives enough to wet the appetite :)

Timoteo said...

I like the strobe light imagery...I see a stark kind of beauty in this scene...but then living in the desert, I like stark.

Brother Ollie said...

Beautiful poem - great style.

Chris G. said...

Nothing worse than that strobe light effect driving at dusk, let me tell you...

But let me say, fine work. I've not been to Central Park myself, but you certainly bring it to life - I can visualize it, and what helps there is that you go beyond the mere imagery of the trees, the falling, fading life - you use things like that strobe light effect to bring the reality to the beauty of the natural.

"The cold empty heart of New York" indeed. Well said.

hedgewitch said...

Neat and sparse mood piece, full of the claustrophobic feel of the season that's all too soon going to be locking us in, unless we choose to walk in empty hearts. Well done.

Beachanny said...

You capture that sense of "before the city" that the park has always held for me, knowing of course the park came much later and doesn't really reflect Manhattan before civilization. There are times, it can be a cold heartless city, but oh the lights and glamour, too!

Fireblossom said...

So atmospheric and stark. I love the accompanying picture, too.

dustus said...

The use of few descriptive words to each line to me suggests acceptance of desolation—cold brief lines illustrate the photo remarkable well.

KB said...

I'd love to take a walk in that park. Beautiful pic and words.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Central New York winters of my youth. Great memories.

signed...bkm said...

Very nice, those cold winter streets..bleak and bitter...seeing only that white path in front of each step...thank you...bkm

Steve Isaak said...

Perfect, wish I'd written this.

Two poems into this week and already I have the first of the new week's favorite poems' - cool. :)

Anonymous said...

staid and sorrowful, maybe, but the trees and snow lend a beauty... and your poem is beautiful

Rinkly Rimes said...

An evocative piece.

Reflections said...

Beautiful expression of Central Park on such a bitter cold day.

DeLi said...

beautiful, beautiful image, and words

Jerry said...

Never been to Central Park, but felt like I took a walk with you.
The word "staid" stuck out to me.
Ima gonna try that word sometime.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Incidentally that is one of my favourite spots to sit and smoke a cigar when I am in New York. Thank you for making me smile. Love and Light, Sender

Kenia Cris said...

I'd like to walk around there. I've never seen snow, I bet I'd find it beautiful as heaven.

Happy WW for a beautiful poet.

Take care and keep smiling.

Anonymous said...

Great poem. Spare and clean. I enjoyed this a lot.

Claudia said...

your words match the picture...and you almost managed to make me feel sad for a sorrowful central park..

Anonymous said...

So sad, lonely, and cold...sounds like a move is necessary! ;)) Very well done as always! ~April

Helena Malheur said...

very strong imagery... and the last lines "the cold empty heart
of New York" -- great finish.

Shashidhar Sharma said...

A very good verse.. I enjoyed it a lot...
Thanks for sharing...

ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya
Twitter: @VerseEveryDay
Blog: http://shadowdancingwithmind.blogspot.com

gautami tripathy said...

Wonderful imagery!

Thanks for this one shot!

Anonymous said...

stay warm and dry

booguloo said...

When I read this I hear Jack Webb reciting this poem. I like it.

Marbles in My Pocket said...

Awesome winter write! Very nice!


hyperCRYPTICal said...

Wow this is good! Merry Christmas!

Anna :o]

Anonymous said...

"Then the hour is loose as the music....".Fantastic to knw you like Kerouac and that comes through your lines.The whole rhythm moves in a likewise bohemian way.

Eden Baylee said...
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Eden Baylee said...
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Eden Baylee said...

Cold, yes, but it's NY, and it's magical.

Eden Baylee said...
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Eden Baylee said...
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